Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Rainbow Retro Dress

OK it's funny how I started with blogging. Since this is my 1st ever entry, let me just come clean. (Just bear with the grandma stories) Well, I was always amazed and in awe with people who always had the time to write..blogging to be exact. 24 hours seems never enough  (I do sound busy do I?), and here other people had all the time in the world to blog. So now it's weird that I'm actually blogging and noticed that I DID have time, it was just striking the right balance with correct time management. (phew, try saying that in one breath) 

I just felt that this year was a year of revolution (big word, right?), I was and still a sponge..absorbing and learning about things around me, and application wise soon after. (this quarter-life crisis is REALLY starting to sink in, innit?!) That included juggling with my career, being a superwife & supermom andddddd being creative like creating "something pretty" for my 1 year ++ daughter. 

Well you see, it all started when I couldn't get hold of any event planner for my daughter's 1st birthday party and yeah I thought, oh well, let's see if I can whip up some magic. Well, not too much magic really, more of a "ok someone has done this and it looks great, let's see if I'm able to do the same". (but actually I was more of a mom-zilla who was more excited about the party than the kid itself). Then I stared at my palms and said, "Hey, u guys are kinda nifty eyh?" .And Wallah! here are some snippets of the event..(of course it would not happen without help from family and friends who were very supportive of the mom-zilla...)....

Welcome to our colourful party!

Even parents need some time out..

Yummy-licious rainbow sugar-rush stuffs

My daughter giving a go at Twister

Even the clown was busy entertaining

The final pose of the colourful rainbow-day

And so the obsession for colourful things started and look what now....

Tada!! Cute much? I call it the "Rainbow Retro Dress"...I was always in L.O.V.E with colours, textures, designs hence..THIS! My first handmade, homemade, made with love dress for the lil' one. Of course the model IS a lil' diva but luckily I managed to get her IN and OUT of the dress...with MUCH effort of course (take a look at her "mom-is-this-already-the-final-pose?" expression...)

The sleeves were supposed to be ruched and cinched at the arm but I improvised it to be more of a flare to give it a retro look. I also added some 3D rosettes and a matching coloured belt to add more character. Of course the shoes are my daughter's (perhaps I will learn to make shoes, NEXT! hehe) 

So now, mom-zilla is a happy mommy. And a happy mommy will find more inspirations to doll up and dress up the lil' one. Who says only adults can have all the fun :)

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